24hr Domestic Abuse Helplines:Herefordshire & Shropshire: 0800 783 1359Telford & Wrekin: 0800 840 3747Worcestershire: 0800 980 3331
24hr Domestic Abuse Helplines: Herefordshire & Shropshire: 0800 783 1359
Telford & Wrekin: 0800 840 3747
Worcestershire: 0800 980 3331

West Mercia Women’s Aid
Equalities & Inclusion

Equalities & Inclusion

WMWA is the lead specialist agency in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin –  working with under represented communities affected by domestic abuse. We provide support, protection and prevention services that empower all victims and survivors to break free from violence and abuse.

We recognise that domestic abuse happens within all communities and provide support regardless of ethnicity, sexuality, disability, religion, gender identity or class. We may signpost to other specialist organisations for further support in order to provide the best possible service based on each individual’s situation – see details of specialist services and resources below.

More information on West Mercia Women’s Aid services can be found on Our Services page.

LGBTQI Resources

Information on a wide range of organisations, services and apps that can provide specialist help and support can be found on our Resources Page.

LGBTQI Communities

Are you experiencing?

  • Threats to disclose your sexual orientation or gender identity to family, friends or work colleagues?
  • Having your social life limited or controlled?
  • Being emotionally blackmailed
  • Being manipulated or silenced into believing violence and abuse in a relationship is ‘normal?’
  • Feeling like support services won’t understand or accept you?
  • Physical or sexual assaults?

Am I in an abusive relationship?

BAME Resources

Information on a wide range of organisations, services and apps that can provide specialist help and support can be found on our Resources Page.

Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Communities

  • Do you feel pressure to marry someone against your will?
  • Are you afraid you will be deported due to your sexuality?
  • Do you feel unable to contact the police or other agencies for support?
  • Do you think you will be subject to prejudice from professionals?
  • Are you scared to leave your extended community behind?
  • Are you unsure about your immigration status?

We understand that some communities may have additional barriers when attempting to access support – if you feel more comfortable discussing support from someone of the same ethnic, religious or cultural group as yourself please view the resource list for specialist services for Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

Forced marriage/FGM/HBV Resources

Information on a wide range of organisations, services and apps that can provide specialist help and support can be found on our Resources Page.

Forced Marriage, So Called Honour Based Violence & Female Genital Mutilation

Forced Marriage

This is a marriage where one or both people do not consent, as they are coerced – or abuse is used – to force them to do so.  It a criminal offence in England, Wales and Scotland and recognised as a form of domestic or child abuse. Further information and safety advice regarding forced marriage can be found in this booklet provided by the UK Government along with further reading on their website.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

FGM is usually carried out on young girls.  It is a procedure where the female genitals are cut, injured or changed, there is no medical reason for this to be done and it can have serious consequences on their health. It’s illegal in the UK and is classed as child abuse.
Further information and guidance about what to do if you think someone is at risk of FGM can be found in this booklet provided by the UK Government along with further reading on their website.

So Called ‘Honour Based Violence’

‘Honour based violence’ (HBV) is a crime or incident which has or may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family and/or community.  However there is nothing religious, honourable or cultural about this type of domestic abuse.  There are often multiple perpetrators and offences and this type of abuse is often perpetrated by immediate family and or community members.

If you are in fear of ‘HBV’ or believe another may be at risk of harm, do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation. Honour based violence takes lives, please seek help and in an emergency always call 999.

Safety Planning Support

A safety plan can help to protect your child against future violence and abuse - download our Information About Safety Planning With Children.
