24hr Domestic Abuse Helplines:Herefordshire & Shropshire: 0800 783 1359Telford & Wrekin: 0800 840 3747Worcestershire: 0800 980 3331
24hr Domestic Abuse Helplines: Herefordshire & Shropshire: 0800 783 1359
Telford & Wrekin: 0800 840 3747
Worcestershire: 0800 980 3331

Helpful resources

Information on a wide range of organisations, services and apps that can provide specialist help and support.

General Resources

Resources: Police

West Mercia Police
West Mercia Police In an emergency always call 999. If you are unable to speak, press 55 on your keypad to notify the call-handler that you need assistance. If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, use the text-phone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service. For further information on how to report domestic abuse follow this link.

Resources: Legal Information

Rights of Women
Rights of Women offer legal information on a range of issues, they also have specialist legal advice helplines – view their website for specific information.

Website: rightsofwomen.org.uk

For information on legal aid when you are a victim of domestic abuse.

Website: www.gov.uk/legal-aid/

Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice provide free legal advice on a range of issues including housing, immigration and benefits. Local telephone numbers can be found on their website.

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Resources: Disabilities

Sign Health
A support service for deaf people who are experiencing domestic abuse.

Phone: 020 3947 2601
Text or WhatsApp: 07970 350366

Email: da@signhealth.org.uk
Website: signhealth.org.uk/

Learning Disability Helpline

Phone: 0808 808 1111

Email helpline@mencap.org.uk
Website: www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support

The disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support.

Phone: 0808 800 3333
Textphone: Dial 18001 then 0808 800 3333
(9am – 6pm weekdays 10am – 6pm weekends)

Email: helpline@scope.org.uk
Website: www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/

REGARD is the UK association for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender disabled people.

Email: regard@dircon.co.uk
Website: www.regard.org.uk

Resources: LGBTQI

Support for all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 0800 999 5428
(10am – 5pm weekdays, Weds & Thur open unti 8pm)

Website: www.galop.org.uk

A safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional wellbeing.

Telephone: 0300 330 0630
(10am-10pm every day)

Website: switchboard.lgbt

REGARD is the UK association for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender disabled people.

Email: regard@dircon.co.uk
Website: www.regard.org.uk

The Terrence Higgins Trust
The Terrence Higgins Trust can give advice and support about HIV and sexual health.

Phone: 0845 122 1200

Website: www.tht.org.uk

Mental health support for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer or questioning (LGBTIQ+)

website: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/

Resources: Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably. A charity providing a mental health helpline and webchat.

Telephone: 0800 58 58 58
(5pm – 12pm)

Website: www.thecalmzone.net

The Samaritans
The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.

Telephone: 116 123
(free at any time)

Website: www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/

Shout 85258

Shout 85258 – trained volunteers 24/7 to listen and support you to get to a calmer and safe place. Shout is a free, confidential, anonymous service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on your phone bill.

Text the word ‘SHOUT’ to 85258

Website: giveusashout.org

Resources: Stalking

Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Suzy Lamplugh Trust run the National Stalking Helpline for people who are experiencing stalking or harassment or for those who are worried about a friends or family member.

Helpline: 0808 802 0300
(9.30am – 4pm weekdays, 1pm – 4pm Weds)

Website: www.suzylamplugh.org

Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service

Telephone: 020 3866 4107
(9am – 3pm weekdays, 10am – 5pm Weds)

Email: info@paladinservice.co.uk
Website: paladinservice.co.uk

Resources: Useful Apps

Hollieguard smartphone app that allows you to record evidence and alert emergency contacts of your whereabouts quickly and easily.

Website: hollieguard.com

Brightsky app for information, advice and support about domestic abuse. This app also allows you to search for support options in your area.

Website: www.hestia.org/brightsky

Alert5 mobile app instantly alert your family, friends or work colleagues with your exact location when you need assistance – £4.99/year.

Website: www.alert5.co.uk

What3words app allows you to find, share and save precise locations.

Website: www.what3words.com

Resources: Housing Advice

Rights of Women
Rights of Women have produced a helpful guide to domestic violence, housing and homelessness this can be found at:
Guide to domestic violence housing and homelessness

Shelter for housing-related support and advice.

Helpline: 0808 800 4444
(8am – 8pm weekdays, 9am – 5pm weekends )

Website: www.england.shelter.org.uk

Local Housing Advice in West Mercia

Herefordshire Housing Solutions for support and advice and to discuss your housing options.

Phone: 01432 261546 or 01432 261547
(10am – 4pm weekdays)

Email: housing.enquiry@herefordshire.gov.uk
Website: www.herefordshire.gov.uk

Shropshire Housing options and homelessness for support and advice and to discuss your housing options.

Phone 0345 678 9005

Email: housingoptions@shropshire.gov.uk
Website: www.shropshire.gov.uk

Telford and Wrekin Housing Solutions team for support and advice if you are at risk of homelessness.

Phone: 01952 381925

Website: www.telford.gov.uk

Worcester Housing Advice Team. If you think you might be homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless contact:

Phone: 01905 722589

Email: housing@worcester.gov.uk
Website: www.worcester.gov.uk

Resources: Money & Benefits

Surviving Economic Abuse
Surviving Economic Abuse is the only UK charity dedicated to raising awareness of and transforming responses to economic abuse, they offer specialist information and advice on financial abuse on their website.

Website: survivingeconomicabuse.org

The Financial Support Line
The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse is run in partnership between Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA) and Money Advice Plus. It offers specialist advice to people experiencing domestic abuse who are in financial difficulty.

Phone 01323 635 987
(9am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm weekdays)

Website: www.moneyadviceplus.org.uk

SCitizens Advice
Citizens Advice offers information on benefits and tax credits (amongst other things).

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Resources: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities

The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)
Support if you’re trying to stop a forced marriage or you need help leaving a marriage you’ve been forced into.

Phone: 020 7008 0151
(9am – 5pm weekdays)
Out of hours: 020 7008 1500
(Ask for the Global Response Centre)

Email: fmu@fcdo.gov.uk
Website: www.gov.uk/guidance/forced-marriage

Roshni Multilingual Domestic Abuse

Phone: 0800 953 9666

Website: www.roshnibirmingham.org.uk

West Midlands BAME Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse

Phone: 0800 953 9777

Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana is a National charity that supports victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.

Phone: 0800 5999 247
(9am- 5pm weekdays)

Website: karmanirvana.org.uk

Southall Black Sisters
Southall Black Sisters is a charity focused on meeting the needs of Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women and children who are experiencing domestic and sexual violence.

Telephone: 0208 571 9595
(9am – 5pm weekdays closed 12:30pm – 1:30pm)

Website: southallblacksisters.org.uk

Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO)
Advice for Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls who are living in the UK. Advice includes: Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriage, Child Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Domestic Violence, separation and divorce, child custody, housing and benefits.

Phone: 020 7920 6460
(9:30am – 5:30pm weekdays)

Website: ikwro.org.uk

Indefinite leave to remain in the UK if you are a victim of domestic violence:

Website: www.gov.uk

Jewish Women’s Aid
Jewish Women’s Aid is the only specialist organisation in the UK supporting Jewish women and children affected by domestic abuse & sexual violence.

Phone: Domestic Abuse 0808 801 0500
Phone: Sexual Abuse 0808 801 0656

Website: www.jwa.org.uk

Vesta Specialist Family Support
Vesta Specialist Family Support is a Polish speaking service that specialises in domestic abuse. They can offer support, advice and signposting in Polish.

Telephone: 07545075093
(9am – 3pm weekedays)

Email: info@vestasfs.org
Website: www.vestasfs.org/domesticviolence

Specialist support and resources for Polish victims of domestic violence.

Helpline: 0300 365 1700
(9am – 5pm weekdays)

Website: www.opoka.org.uk

Resources: Support for men

The Men’s Advice Line
The Men’s Advice Line run the national male domestic abuse helpline offering specialist support, practical advice and information to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children).

Phone: 0808 801 0327
(9am – 8pm weekdays)

Email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
Website: mensadviceline.org.uk/contact-us/

Support for all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 0800 999 5428
(10am – 5pm weekdays, Weds & Thur open unti 8pm)

Website: www.galop.org.uk

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS)
SDAS provides an outreach service and a Children/Young People’s service to men and their children whose lives are affected by domestic abuse.

Telephone: 0300 303 1191
(9am – 5pm weekdays)

Website: www.shropsdas.org.uk/services/men

Resources: Support for sexual abuse

The Glade
If you, a friend or family member have been a victim of rape or sexual assault and would like advice or to self-refer for advice or support.. Telephone: 0808 178 2058 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) Your call will be answered by a specially trained crisis worker who is there to offer advice and support.

Website: www.theglade.org.uk

West Mercia Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (WMRSASC)
WMRSASC provide advocacy services to survivors of all forms of rape, sexual abuse/violence and exploitation from age 5+ years and for their non-abusing family members. Services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.

Phone (Worcs): 01905 724514
Phone (Heref): 01432 344777
(6pm – 8pm Mon, 1pm – 5pm Tue, 6pm – 8pm Thur, 10am – 2pm Fri)

Live chat: rapecrisis.org.uk

Advocacy services are delivered across West Mercia with support from Axis Counselling (Shropshire & Telford).
Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Website: www.wmrsasc.org.uk

Independent Sexual Violence Advocates (ISVA)
ISVA services primarily support survivors though the criminal justice process and beyond, providing practical and emotional support. Service include ISVA services for adults – we can provide a choice of gender of support worker. Services for Children and Young People – aged 5 + years (CHISVA) and Services for Parents and non-abusing family members (Family ISVA – FISVA) Counselling support for adults and children & young people for Herefordshire & Worcestershire.

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Website for Shropshire & Telford: www.axiscounselling.org.uk

For Children & people at risk of sexual exploitation
Contact the Branch Project for advocacy and educational interventions referrals (with consent of the CYP)

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Website: www.wmrsasc.org.uk

Resources: Support for older people

Age UK
For older people who are experiencing domestic abuse.

Phone: 0800 678 1602
(8am – 7pm)
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/our-impact/campaigning/no-age-limit/

Hourglass works across the UK supporting older victims of abuse.

Phone: 0808 808 8141
(9am – 5pm weekdays)
Text: 07860 052906
(9am – 5pm weekdays)

Website: wearehourglass.org/a>

Adolescent to parent abuse
Family Lives offers a confidential and free helpline service for families in England and Wales for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.

Phone: 0808 800 2222
(9am – 9pm weekdays, 10am to 3pm weekends)Website: www.familylives.org.uk

Who’s in Charge
Information and advice for parents who are victims of adolescent to parent abuse.

Download: WIC Addressing child to parent violence

Holes in the Wall
Resources and information for parents experiencing adolescent to parent abuse.

Website: holesinthewall.co.uk/

Supports both parents and professionals with issues related to child to parent abuse. There is a self-referral form for parents and professionals on their website.

Website: sites.google.com/pegsupport.com/


Home Instead

Website: www.homeinstead.co.uk

Dementia Early Signs Guide

Resources for Children & Young People

Resources: Domestic Abuse Support

West Mercia Police
West Mercia Police In an emergency always call 999. If you are unable to speak, press 55 on your keypad to notify the call-handler that you need assistance. If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, use the text-phone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service. For further information on how to report domestic abuse follow this link.


The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)
Support if you’re trying to stop a forced marriage or you need help leaving a marriage you’ve been forced into.

Phone: 020 7008 0151
(9am – 5pm weekdays)
Out of hours: 020 7008 1500
(Ask for the Global Response Centre)

Email: fmu@fcdo.gov.uk
Website: www.gov.uk/guidance/forced-marriage

Free confidential service to help young people under 19 with any issues they are going through, you can call, chat online or email for support.

Phone: 0800 1111
Website: www.childline.org.uk

The Hideout
The Hideout is a space to help children and young people understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.

Website: thehideout.org.uk

Love Respect
Love Respect is a website to access advice and support on healthy – and unhealthy – relationships and how to get help


Runaway If you are thinking about running away, or have already run away, call the confidential Runaway Helpline 24 hours a day.

Phone: 0808 800 70 70
Email: help@runawayhelpline.org.uk

Resources: Mental Health

Young Minds
Text the Young Minds Crisis Messenger for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Text YM to 85258.

Parents Helpline
Parents and carers can call the Parents Helpline

Phone: 0808 802 5544
(9:30am – 4pm weekdays)

Website: youngminds.org.uk

Online support and services for young people (aged 11 – 18 yrs.) Kooth is an anonymous, confidential, safe, online wellbeing service offering counselling, information and forums for young people. You can contact the service via their website every day of the year between 12 noon to 10pm (Monday to Friday) or between 6pm to 12 midnight (Saturday and Sunday).

Website: www.kooth.com

BOLOH Are you a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic child or young person aged 11 upwards or a parent or carer who has been affected by Covid-19? Boloh provide multi- language emotional support, practical advice and signposting to other organisations.

Telephone: 0800 1512605

Website: helpline.barnardos.org.uk

Local Mental Health Support in West Mercia

CLD Trust Herefordshire
The CLD Trust Herefordshire provides qualified counselling for children and young people (aged 10 – 26yrs) and their families.

Phone: 01432 269245
Email: info@thecldtrust.org

Website: www.thecldtrust.org

The Strong Young Minds Programme Herefordshire
The Strong Young Minds Programme Herefordshire is for young people (10 – 26yrs) who are disenfranchised, distressed, unemployed, at risk of social isolation, poor achievement and ill health, due to poor mental health and wellbeing. They work with young people to address issues which can have an adverse effect on their mental health and wellbeing, such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self-harm, bullying, cyberbullying, relationship breakdown, employability, low self-esteem, body image and loss. For further information visit their website.

Website: www.thesymproject.org

Reach4Wellbeing Worcestershire aims to promote positive wellbeing, reach children and young people in their communities and reduce the stigma of mental health. They currently provide short-term group programmes for children and young people age 5-18 experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and low mood. To access this support:
• The child/young person should have a Worcestershire GP.
• The child/young person need to be between 5 and 18 years old.
• Whenever possible the child/young person will have accessed previous support for the emotional wellbeing/mental health difficulty that the referral is about.

Website: www.hacw.nhs.uk

BEAM Shropshire Telford and Wrekin
BEAM Shropshire Telford and Wrekin emotional health and well-being service for young people under 25 years old who are registered with a GP in Shropshire, Telford or Wrekin.

Website: www.childrenssociety.org.uk

Resources: Male Support

The Men’s Advice Line
The Men’s Advice Line run the national male domestic abuse helpline offering specialist support, practical advice and information to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children).

Phone: 0808 801 0327
(9am – 8pm weekdays)

Email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
Website: mensadviceline.org.uk/contact-us/

Support for all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 0800 999 5428
(10am – 5pm weekdays, Weds & Thur open unti 8pm)

Website: www.galop.org.uk

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS)
SDAS provides an outreach service and a Children/Young People’s service to men and their children whose lives are affected by domestic abuse.

Telephone: 0300 303 1191
(9am – 5pm weekdays)

Website: www.shropsdas.org.uk/services/men

Survivors UK
Survivors UK help sexually abused men as well as their friends and family, no matter when the abuse happened.

Telephone: 02035983898
(9.30am – 5pm weekdays)

Email: help@survivorsuk.org
Website: www.survivorsuk.org
(Online Chat 12pm – 8pm)

Resources: LGBTQI

Support for all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 0800 999 5428
(10am – 5pm weekdays, Weds & Thur open unti 8pm)

Website: www.galop.org.uk

The Proud Trust
For young people who want to find out more about gender, sexuality, coming out and where to get support.

Website: www.theproudtrust.org

Stonewall Youth
Information and support for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and their allies.

Website: www.youngstonewall.org.uk

Mermaids supports transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children and young people until their 20th birthday, as well as the families and professionals involved in their care. They also offer an online forum for parents and gender diverse young people to support one another.

Phone: 0808 801 0400

(9am – 9pm weekdays)Website: mermaidsuk.org.uk

REGARD is the UK association for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender disabled people.

Email: regard@dircon.co.uk
Website: www.regard.org.uk

The Terrence Higgins Trust
The Terrence Higgins Trust can give advice and support about HIV and sexual health.

Phone: 0845 122 1200

Website: www.tht.org.uk

Mental health support for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer or questioning (LGBTIQ+)

website: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/

Resources: Youth support for young people in Herefordshire

No Wrong Door
Designed by young people and practitioners, NWD provides a safe space and focal point to access help with information, support and guidance services, including mental health and wellbeing. For young people (aged 11 – 25yrs) in Herefordshire.

Website: www.hvoss.org.uk

Young Peoples Forum in Telford and Wrekin
Information about services and activities for young people in Telford can be found on their Facebook page

Facebook: facebook.com/Telford-Wrekin-Young-Peoples-Forum

Starting Well South Worcester
Please visit the Starting Well website for more information on their services and for useful links to further support. Their Facebook page is regularly updated with events and courses for parents, children and young people.

Website: www.startingwellworcs.nhs.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/StartingWellSouthWorcs

Resources: Health Support

NHS 111
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. For more information on this service please see their website.

Website: www.nhs.uk

NHS For information about your rights in healthcare if you are under the age of 18 please see this leaflet.

Health services in West Mercia

Shropshire – For information about health services for teenagers and young adults

Website: www.shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk

Herefordshire – For information about services for young people and children please visit their website.

Website: www.wisherefordshire.org

Worcestershire – If you’re 11-19 years old you can speak to your School Health Nurse for confidential advice and support around a variety of issues – including bullying, emotional health, relationship problems, alcohol and drugs. The service is available between 9am-4pm Monday – Friday.

Text: 07507331750
Website: www.startingwellworcs.nhs.uk

Resources: Sexual abuse & sexual health

Brook offer clinical services, digital support, tailored counselling and relationship advice and sex education for young people.

Website: www.brook.org.uk

It’s Not Okay
It’s Not Okay offer support and advice about child and young person sexual exploitation. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 999 or you can report child sexual exploitation to the police by dialling 101.

Website: www.itsnotokay.co.uk

For information on sexual health and how to find your local sexual health service.

Website: www.nhs.uk

Local support services for sexual abuse in West Mercia

The Glade
If you, a friend or family member have been a victim of rape or sexual assault and would like advice or to self-refer for advice or support. Telephone: 0808 178 2058 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) Your call will be answered by a specially trained crisis worker who is there to offer advice and support.

Website: www.theglade.org.uk

West Mercia Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (WMRSASC)
WMRSASC provide advocacy services to survivors of all forms of rape, sexual abuse/violence and exploitation from age 5+ years and for their non-abusing family members. Services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.
Advocacy services are delivered across West Mercia with support from Axis Counselling (Shropshire & Telford). Referrals can be made through the WMRSASC website or email.

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Website: www.wmrsasc.org.uk

Independent Sexual Violence Advocates (ISVA)
ISVA services primarily support survivors though the criminal justice process and beyond, providing practical and emotional support. Service include ISVA services for adults – we can provide a choice of gender of support worker.

Services for Children and Young People – aged 5 + years (CHISVA) and for Parents and non-abusing family members (Family ISVA – FISVA)
Counselling support for adults and children & young people can be accessed through:

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk (Herefordshire & Worcestershire)
Website: www.axiscounselling.org.uk (Shropshire & Telford)

For Children & people at Risk of sexual exploitation
Contact the Branch Project for advocacy and educational interventions.

Website: www.wmrsasc.org.uk

Referrals (with the consent of the child or young person) can be made through:

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Live chat: rapecrisis.org.uk

Phone: 01905 724514 (Worcestershire)
Phone: 01432 344777 (Herefordshire)
(6pm – 8pm Mon, 1pm – 5pm Tue, 6pm – 8pm Thur, 10am – 2pm Fri)

Resources: Disabilities

Sign Health
A support service for deaf people who are experiencing domestic abuse.

Phone: 020 3947 2601
Text or WhatsApp: 07970 350366

Email: da@signhealth.org.uk
Website: signhealth.org.uk

Disability Rights UK
A service developed by and for disabled people for further information and helpful factsheets please visit their website.

Website: www.disabilityrightsuk.org

The disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support.

Phone: 0808 800 3333
Textphone: Dial 18001 then 0808 800 3333
(9am – 6pm weekdays 10am – 6pm weekends)

Email: helpline@scope.org.uk
Website: www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/

Resources: Legal issues & the court process

Information for children and young people about the family court process.

Website: www.cafcass.gov.uk

Child Law Advice
Child Law Advice provides specialist advice and information on child, family and education law to parents, carers and young people in England via email and telephone.

Phone: 0300 330 5480 (Family or child law)
Phone: 0300 330 5485 (Education law)
(8am – 6pm weekdays)

Website: childlawadvice.org.uk

Resources: Online safety

The Thinkuknow website offers age appropriate advice about staying safe when you’re on a phone, tablet or computer.

Website: www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Resources for Men

Resources: Domestic Abuse Support

West Mercia Police
West Mercia Police In an emergency always call 999. If you are unable to speak, press 55 on your keypad to notify the call-handler that you need assistance. If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, use the text-phone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergency SMS service. For further information on how to report domestic abuse follow this link.


The Men’s Advice Line
The Men’s Advice Line run the national male domestic abuse helpline offering specialist support, practical advice and information to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children). It is free to call from landlines and mobile phones within the UK (Monday–Friday 9am-8pm). Your call will not appear on itemised bills. You can also call free from BT pay phones.

Phone: 0808 801 0327

Email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
Website: www.mensadviceline.org.uk

Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS)
Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS) provides an outreach and a Children/Young People’s service to men and their children whose lives are affected by domestic abuse. The phone service is available Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

Phone: 0300 303 1191

Website: www.shropsdas.org.uk

Support for all LGBT+ people who’ve experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence

Phone: 0800 999 5428
(10am – 5pm weekdays, Weds & Thur open unti 8pm)

Website: www.galop.org.uk

Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Suzy Lamplugh Trust run the National Stalking Helpline for people who are experiencing stalking or harassment or for those who are worried about a friends or family member.

Helpline: 0808 802 0300
(9.30am – 4pm weekdays, 1pm – 4pm Weds)

Website: www.suzylamplugh.org

Resources: Support for Sexual Abuse

The Glade
If you, a friend or family member have been a victim of rape or sexual assault and would like advice or to self-refer for advice or support.. Telephone: 0808 178 2058 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) Your call will be answered by a specially trained crisis worker who is there to offer advice and support.

Website: www.theglade.org.uk

West Mercia Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre (WMRSASC)
WMRSASC provide advocacy services to survivors of all forms of rape, sexual abuse/violence and exploitation from age 5+ years and for their non-abusing family members. Services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.

Phone (Worcs): 01905 724514
Phone (Heref): 01432 344777
(6pm – 8pm Mon, 1pm – 5pm Tue, 6pm – 8pm Thur, 10am – 2pm Fri)

Live chat: rapecrisis.org.uk

Email: referrals@wmrsasc.org.uk
Website: www.wmrsasc.org.uk

Axis is an independent charity working within Shropshire, and Telford and Wrekin supporting survivors of all types of sexual abuse through their counselling and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) service. For further information and contact numbers for your local area please follow this link to their website.

Website: www.axiscounselling.org.uk

Resources: Mental Health

CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably. A charity providing a mental health helpline and webchat.

Telephone: 0800 58 58 58
(5pm – 12pm)

Website: www.thecalmzone.net

The Samaritans
The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.

Telephone: 116 123
(free at any time)

Website: www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/
